Layout Title: Dance Inside Compatible Browser(s): Mozilla Firefox Compatible Screen Resolution: 1280px by 800px Number of Visits: Since 07.07.2009
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And time trickles down, I'm breathing for two
BOOO. You're darn lucky enough to have stumbled upon my blog. I'm sour 15 but who cares? You don't need to know my name, because that'll make my blog a cyber game. And remember to tag!
This is my shit.
Posted on: Monday, July 13, 2009 Posted at: This is my shit.
HEH-HEH-HEH. To start off with a brighter note, our class has finally folded paper-cranes for the CIP activity. BUT, since everything has its own set of problems, we're still left with over 1000 more pieces? It was like participating in Survivor, seeing who would stay on the longest, without moving your buttocks and just sitting there folding. And folding. And folding. And folding. I suppose more than half the class folded till they could drop dead at any point of time.
Just imagine having the need to work like machines and mass produce paper-cranes. Since we're not properly 'oiled', obviously every machine gets rusty at some time. Okay, my blog would be so boring if I continue on this topic. Moving on!
Okay, I just watched a damn funny cover done by Cobra Starship - I KISSED A BOY! LOL. There are these lyrics, "...I know it's wrong, but I don't mind, I'm gonna fuck you tonight" HAHA. It's damn funny but a good cover I have to say. Haha. Here's the link BUT, if you really mind watching such explicit videos where you see real guys kiss themselves, PLEASE DON'T WATCH THE VIDEO, just listen to the audio. Haha. And just watch this link unless you're so interested to watch the other related videos. Most of the related videos are just plain fakes where they deepen Katy Perry's voice and 100% of the video shows guys kissing each other, especially the Gay Remix. So, don't bother listening/watching because the audio's just fake. If you don't hear those lyrics I typed above, that means it ain't the right version.
You should have realised that I've changed my blog song AGAIN. COBRA STARSHIP FTW! Haha, this song is damn funny. And I was watching FRIENDS just now. I learnt a new term called PhD - Pretty Huge Dick! LOL. I was laughing like mad. So, just be wary of people going around they have PhDs.