Layout Title: Dance Inside
Compatible Browser(s): Mozilla Firefox
Compatible Screen Resolution: 1280px by 800px
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Since 07.07.2009
Layout Title: Dance Inside
Compatible Browser(s): Mozilla Firefox
Compatible Screen Resolution: 1280px by 800px
Number of Visits:
Since 07.07.2009
nicole looks like some japanese girl. playing psp is bad for eyesight! so is using the comp! SO DUN USE ELECTRONICS!
wa seh. hairul so shuai sia! everyone's engrossed in playing their psp. that's alvin's btw.
a chio mother with her shuai son! LOL.
like mother, like daughter. of course you need a beautiful sis once in awhile.
silence as we await the grand arrival of mr toh.
a picture speaks a thousand words. through one photo, you can see the different personalities of people. from what i depict from this pic, i understand that hairul and norlyn are hard-core band players. so excited and elated to be on stage. it's obvious that wenhui is not happy as she's not allowed to dance. dawn is not happy as it's dusk already. weile, preparing his embouchure but sleeps? trumpeters furious that their heads had been chopped off.
a glimpse of NDP fireworks. wat a splendid picture. two-in-one fireworks.
clarinettists! viewers, please ignore the oboe in the picture.
see. this is the little devil, brother of dawn. this is the fellow colin that put his oboe into the picture above. ROAR.