lol. just had a haircut an hour ago.. talking to colin on msn was quite retarded i have to say. his dp is some small boy whom he claims is him. in which i dun quite believe. and the boy is... info provided by colin, URINATING i dun believe that at all. here are some stupid pics.
yes. that's wat colin was claiming. nice pic i drew rite? i know. mdm lai taught me. lol ps. teachers, if you do read my blog and especially this post, i was just joking. mdm lai is a good teacher! >.>
a female reproductive system, drawn by colin. in which he claims was drawn by Ah-Dear.. Ah-Dear's drawing where got so lan. i teach Ah-Dear how to draw okay. IT'S PERFECT. haha like real... -_- i have to say this, we are rlly petulant ppl~ haha!
well today, during band practice, vincent conducted us. and i sort of heard someone whistle when vincent was starting to conduct. i dunno who or what. maybe Ah-Dear or someone else. i was like.. did i just hear a whistle? then, i just heck care abt it haha. who rlly cares if Ah-Dear can whistle ROFL.
just 'decorated' my lit logbook. which doesn't really look like as though it's up to standard. WELL, AT LEAST I DID SOMETHING. more colours, more motivated to study. wat a lame theory i've just made up. haha. and today, JiaNeng and i were laughing like crappy ppl. we planned to laugh at clarissa and wen hui for fun. in the end, we laugh for real. and when we mean laugh, we rlly mean laugh. hahahaha. then we made fun of wei le. he menstruate lol. no la. coz he got some stain at the pants. then we say he menstruate then got mood swings lol. his cycle last for a day not 28. lol. well, migh blog ltr. cya~!